Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Effective Ways to Design Your Office for Improved Productivity

More often than not, it has been noticed that, while thinking about ways to enhance productivity in one’s office, a lot of emphasis is being put on tools to automate various operations in order to save time. A great degree of business owners also emphasize on ways to enhance concentration power, such as, Pomodoro Technique, and so forth. To your surprise, we, being the best office interior designers in Mumbai, would like to inform you that the design of your office also have significant impact on productivity.


There are several office interior design factors that can improve the level of production. As the best office interior designers in Mumbai, with this post, we are going to present you with couple of office interior design tips that can enhance the productivity level. So, without wasting any time, let us have a look at them in brief:
  1. Improve the lighting
In the event that the lighting within your office is not up to the mark, it can result in eye strain, headaches, fatigue, stress, and a host of other problems, both physical and mental among you and your employees as well. Lighting your office properly is one of the most important as well as easiest ways to enhance the productive of your office, says the best office interior designers in Mumbai. If there is a way to let natural light peep inside your office, go ahead. It will create a feeling of joy among your employees and moreover, it is free.
  1. Raise the ceilings
In the event that you are setting up a new office, or planning to go for renovation, opt to raise the height of your office’s ceiling. It was revealed in a study that individuals prefer high ceiling as compared to low ones. It is also believed that higher ceilings enables one to think freely.
  1. Paint the walls — but not white
You might believe that what’s there is color. Well, for your kind information, there is much more than you can imagine. Colors play one of the major role when the question is about emotions and productivity. It is advised by the best office interior designers in Mumbai to not use white color to paint the walls of your office. White makes a negative impact on productivity level. It would be a great idea to utilize different colors among different departments all across the office. As per studies, the green color links to creativity and blue color to productivity.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Top 5 Tips to Make Small Room Appear Larger

interior designers in Navi Mumbai

Everything within a small space matters a lot. The objective of this post is to introduce you with couple of tips that can help you make a small area of your home appear larger. Small rooms can provide you with the feeling of restrained and can be really uncomfortable at some point of time. But, the good news is that there are certain tips, if applied properly, it can fool one’s eye and make your interior appear larger than its actual size. So, without wasting any time, let us have a look at them in brief:

1 - Use light colors and clever contrasts

We are quite sure that you must be well aware of the fact that using light colors makes a small space appear larger and brighter. In contrary to dark colors that sucks lights, light and bright walls are more reflective, which gives the space a feeling of open and wide. They are also well-known for incrementing the impacts of natural lights. The best interior designers in Navi Mumbai suggest opting for soft tones of off-white, blue and green.

2 - Lighting is a key element in opening up a space

It would be a great idea to let in some natural lights. It will open the interior and make it appear bigger than it is. In the event that you have very less natural lights, you can make use of certain lighting fixtures with the end goal to add some creative effects. You will be surprised to see the impacts of such a little thing within your room. The best interior designers in Navi Mumbai suggest making use of sheer window covers or remove them completely in order to let in more natural lights. If the outside view is not great, place some small plants there.

3 - Cut the clutter

According to the best interior designers in Mumbai, untidy and unorganized things within your small room can make it appear smaller. Hence, you are required to keep your room tidy and organized all the time. Having more than required stuffs within your room can make it cramped. You should always keep things properly in an arranged way. Do not forget to place unnecessary things out of sight. Rather than covering your room’s wall with numerous pictures, quotes and wallpapers, ensure to use just one beautiful painting.

3 Useful Ideas for Designing Kid’s Room

Designing a kid’s room is nothing less than a project full of fun. Being one of the best interior designers in Pune, we are going to present you with couple of ways to design the interior of your kid’s room. We assure you that following these steps will make the task of designing your kid’s room fun, both for you and for your kids as well.


Believe it or not, however, designing your kid’s room is truly a special moment. This is the time when you are going to provide your kids with a special space in your home. So, without wasting any time, let us have a look at some of the many design tips to decorate your kid’s room. Let us begin:
  1. Safety
Safety is one of the most important concerns that you need to take into account while designing your kid’s room. You are ought to choose all the design elements for your kid’s room based on his or her age. Be very careful while setting up electric points in your kid’s room. In order to make sure that you kid is safe, don’t leave any electric points unguarded. Once and for all, just keep the safety of your kids at the top of your priority list while designing their room, advises the best interior designers in Pune.
  1. Storage
Another important concern that you need to think about is of “Storage” while designing your kid’s room. Since, there will be a lot of toys, books, clothes and so many other things, you need to decide on storage facility accordingly and very wisely. You also need to ensure that you kid can access and put away items without any stretch. You can make use of some Open shelves, large tubs and trunks and without a doubt, a closet for the same, suggests the best interior designers in Pune.
  1. Cute quotient
The interior of your kid’s room will vary based on their gender. You are ought to select colors based on the same. “A great degree of parents opt for a theme that resembles the night sky for their ceiling. Make use of toys, wallpapers to decorate your kid’s room”, says the best interior designers in Pune.